Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Eight qualities of a good leader during a recession

By Rachel Lebeaux | Feb 26, 2009
When money is tight, employee layoffs loom and spirits are dwindling during a recession, CIOs and other IT executives must take the qualities of a good leader to another level.
These eight qualities of a leader, culled from CIOs and leadership experts, will guide you through good times and bad -- yet are especially pertinent today to keep your staff engaged and ensure that IT meets changing expectations in uncertain times.
1. The ability to inspire
2. Communication skills (including listening)
3. Operational credibility in driving results
4. The ability to prioritize
5. Creativity and flexibility (aka, the ability to embrace change)
6. The ability to be a "fish out of water" leader
7. The ability to position one's organization as a mecca for talent
8. Consistency

Click Here to Read Full Article: http://tiny.cc/fPiBY 

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