Thursday, October 29, 2009

Top 10 Money Tips for Women

by CNBC Staff
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

When it comes to women and finance, sometimes there's a disconnect between what women know and how they act, their ability as achiever and their financial underachieving, and between the power they have within reach and the powerlessness that rules their actions.
Financial expert Suze Orman gives her list of the top 10 money tips for women to follow:
1. Listen to Your Gut
2. NEVER Co-Sign for ANYONE
3. Save Yourself First
4. Don't Hand Over Finances to Your Husband or Partner
5. Don't Put Yourself on Sale
6. Protect Your Assets: Get a Pre-Nuptial Agreement
7. No Blame, No Shame
8. Take Care of Your Money
9. Don't Make Your Underage Children Life-Insurance Beneficiaries -- It's a No-No!
10. Own the Power to Control Your Own Destiny

For full article, please go to

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